Thursday 22 April 2010

Chapter 1-

Chapter 1 -
The first lesson we had on this, we got briefed and told what we were going to be doing, making Abstract video's, this sounded fun. we grabbed our cameras and took off out, to collect some Video footage, the video footage had to be short, and had to all add up to 20-30 seconds of video time. We took our cameras to Clifton Park we played around with different spaces and areas to see what abstract Footage we could come up with, this all added up to a final 20-30 second clips. The software we were introduced to use, before the holidays was iMovie, this was standard editing software. not the best in the world but it will do for what we are aiming to come up with in our final. i played round with the editing effects etc, this came out effective and became quite fun, going back over the things we had just video'd.
My ideas for my video, were flowing, fast and doesn't bore you, so i used short fast clips, and played around with different stuff. i came up with a 27 second video which i will show -

Chapter 2-

This week was fun we spent our time creating and having fun. we were briefed to make plastercine characters or sequence of an stop motion animation. i had a good think around what i wanted to create. then i ad an idea. what if i could incorporate my designer label that we creatied at the beginning of the year. which was a combination of a J and a W. so i though of what would make a stop motion fun. so i came up with a sequence and this is waht i came up with.

A quick evaluation on my work, judging on the short amount of time we had to come with an idea, put it together and execute i think my stop motion isnt that bad, given a little more time and i think i could of came up with something better and more clean. like my stop motion was very rushed but for a first attempt at what we had to then i think i achieved well.

In my third lesson of this work i read the brief, and really think it is open and a fun subject to do, basically we have to choose a peice of music and reflect the music in Video form, or stop motion which ever reflects better. i started to take a look at some music, there are so so many peices of music i think would work good, with there being billions of peices of music around the globe varying from heavy metal to classical music, this was a hard decision, so i stuck to the songs and peices i knew of already, there were quite a few songs i took a look at. i took a little look a some other films being made before got a general idea of what some people have came up with before. Some really interesting things. I started to listen to some songs from the early 2000's some really old songs that i used to like as a kid. some really uplifting songs, like techno/pop. some songs were well known im thinking along the lines of Junior Senior-Move your Feet or maybe Room 5-Make luv. thats some of the type of songs im going to be working with and at the moment im feeling Move your Feet. with a wide range of ideas coming from this song, im thinking stop motion using real life people, im going to think of and find some video's that are like what im wanting to create. with only 3 week left to get my video together and we are producing a 2 minute long video, i need to get the story board together.

Chapter 3-
This week we have been looking and testing out what would be good for use in my final video/stop motion peice, i spent over an hour just working on 1 and a half seconds of footage using stop motion so i dont really think that i should use this type, for the thing i am going to be doing, i am going to use a thing i have seen, stop motion but drawn out work, such as this link here:

that is the style i am looking for, this was a very experimental experiment and hard, the style i am going for is techno style, smooth lines, maybe a piece of graffiti coming on the page, ill work up a piece on paper, and find out what im going to do.

Chapter 4- i Decided to research some videos and stop motion in the same style video's to get some ideas. heres what is found -

This was a video i found really cool, the way they use the style of tealight candles to create the stop motion instead of just the
normal things you find on stop motion, i found it very soothing in a way, was very relaxed style and definatley brought a style
of christmas which it was for.

here is another that i took a look at -

Very creative way of stop motion, very humourous aswell, this is a very creative idea, i enjoyed watching this and the way 2 things
combined was very good.

This is my final piece which took me aproximately around 2 week to make only using 2 lessons, the music is by Junior senior, called move your feet, took my quite a long time to make but was worth it in the end, i went for a kind of retro feel to my piece. i think i achieved it with organic styles etc.

1 comment:

  1. An imaginative finale with effective use of media and music. Your entries are a lot more fluid than I have seen on paper, consider how you can use this expression in your written work.

    I hope will visit animation again during your graphics course, you have an aptitude for it.
